This straightforward savings account from The Dime Bank can help put your business in a position to take advantage of opportunities when they arise. Earn interest and access your funds when needed.
- $50.00 minimum deposit to open
- Tiered interest rates apply on this account. Minimum $100.00. daily account balance earns interest
- Minimum $500.00 daily account balance avoids a $4.00 monthly service charge
- Free eStatements or $3.00 statement mailing fee
- Free financial consultation
- Many Business Services and Ways to Bank available
The following limitations apply: Transfers or withdrawals from a savings and money market account to another account of yours or to a third party by means of a preauthorized or automatic transfer or telephone order or instruction, computer transfer, or by check, draft, debit card, or similar order to a third party, are limited to 6 per statement cycle. Unlimited transactions in branch and at an ATM.