The holidays are a time for fun with family and friends, good food, and general joyfulness. Keep that same merriment going well into the new year with the help of a Holiday Club Account from The Dime Bank. Rather than burn a hole through your credit cards, you're able to save little by little throughout the year. Then come September, your savings plus earned interest are all wrapped up and ready to be applied toward that gift list that dreams are made of.
- Save for the holiday season
- Earn interest
- Interest compounded quarterly
- Enjoy unlimited deposits
- No monthly service charge
- No minimum balance requirement to maintain the account
- Funds are disbursed in September
- Early closing fee of $10.00
- Many Online & Mobile Banking services included
- $1.00 minimum opening deposit
The above savings account is a variable rate account and APY may change after account is opened. Fees may reduce earnings.